The Lion’s Den

Daniel 6:16 Then the king commanded, and Daniel was brought and cast into the den of lions. The king declared to Daniel, “may your God, whom you serve continually, deliver you!”

There are times I am ashamed of myself. Times when I take a look inside and hate what I see. I get so easily wrapped up when drama gets plastered over the news or the latest gossip in social media. Sure, I have good intentions. I want to make things right. But, at what cost?

Daniel was in the political realm. He dealt with kings and statesmen. Kind of like we do today with principals, teachers, and coaches. Whether these individuals in power are right or wrong, we are to trust God. While Daniel didn’t preach sermons or hold Jesus Rally’s, he followed God with everything he had. He trusted him in every situation. When he was persecuted and thrown into a pit of lions, his faith did not waiver. Through his trust in God, those in power including the king, saw and believed.

When situations happen that you do not agree with. When people act in a certain way that makes you angry. Remember that God is in control and will use you to bring glory if you let Him. Meditate on areas of your life you can rely on God and let His light shine through you. While we can’t change the world ourselves, we know that we can do all things through Jesus Christ who strengthens us.

via Bold19 – The Lion’s Den.

The Lion’s Den

It Is Written

Deuteronomy 83 [widescreen]

By: Tony Alonso

We have all been tempted to sin. Most of the time on a daily basis. Sometimes they are easy to avoid and you can see right from wrong. Other times sin sneaks up and what you thought was a good situation, turns quick.

The term Christian means Christ-Like and for a good reason! Christ (Jesus) showed us first hand how to deal with Satan’s temptation. When Jesus was tempted He did not go off on the devil. He didn’t get into a fist fight. He quoted scripture to put Satan in his place.

The Bible is God’s spoken word turned into the form of a book. Many refer to Bible as the living Word of God because of the power it has in your life. The letters speak to us the same way today as it has generations before us. Everything we need to know to get through temptation and to live for God is located in the typed or digital words. This is why it is so important to not only read the Bible, but to study it, and memorize key parts of it. The next time a temptation arises remember you have everything you need to conquer it. Now speak it!

It Is Written