Bold19 – Life’s Strategy Guide

Psalm 1:2 His delight is in the law of the Lord, and on his law he meditates day and night.

I am a gamer. First step to recovery is admittance, right? Whether standing in lines for a midnight release, or waking early for the newest download, I can’t wait for latest title. Rarely do I get stuck on a game, but occasionally I need help. This is when picking up a strategy guide or searching websites and videos are vital.

We often glance at our Bible the same way. When a problem arises we open our Bible for answers. When we are sad, we look for scripture to inspire. A tough choice brings us to a crossroad? We consult the Word of God for advice. This is great, but the Bible is not a strategy guide for our life. It is not a book that we only open when we get stuck. The Bible is a book we should meditate on day and night. We should know the words inside and out. Don’t wait for the next time you get lost to search for a way out. Open it right now and see where God will guide you today.

Source: Bold19 – Life’s Strategy Guide

Bold19 – Life’s Strategy Guide